General Information - Alcohol and Substance Addiction
Peer Support Groups - Alcohol and Substance Addiction
- Alanon + Alateen. Support for family and friends.
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Adult Children of Alcoholics - ACA. Support for family members.
- In the Rooms. Online recovery network.
- Life Ring
- Narcotics Anonymous
- The Phoenix. Sober active community.
- Smart Recovery. Local and online groups available.
Alcohol and Substance Treatment Resources
- SAMHSA Treatment Locator
Find behavioral health and substance abuse treatment, including treatment for opiod and alcohol addiction, using the SAMHSA Treatment Locator. - Treatment Navigator - National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Use the Treatment Navigator to find information about alcohol use and abuse, addiction to alcohol, as well as strategies for finding quality treatment providers and facilities. - Mental Wellness and Addiction Recovery Guide
Use the guide above to learn more about and to find mental health and substance use treatment in Colorado.
Other Addiction, Compulsive Use, or Use Concerns
- Gambling. Problem gambling resources in Colorado including information about the Colorado Gambling Addiction Hotline.
- Eating Disorders. Information on eating disorders and finding treatment.
- Compulsive Eating. Peer support for compulsive eaters.
- Compulsive Buying. Information on compulsive buying behavior.
- Compulsive Sexual Behavior. General Information on risky or compulsive sexual behavior including pornography use.
- Pornography Use. Information on assessing pornography use.
Call 303-866-4314 to schedule a CSEAP appointment with a counselor who can discuss substance use, addiction, compulsive behaviors, and treatment options with you.