Psychological fitness for duty (PFFD) evaluations are a means for assessing extraordinary situations in the work setting in which an employer has significant concerns about the psychological fitness of an employee.
Psychological Fitness for Duty Questions and Answers
What is Psychological Fitness for Duty (PFFD)?
PFFD evaluations are a means for addressing extraordinary situations in the work setting in which an employee may pose a direct threat to self, co-workers, or the workplace. PFFD may also be used when behavior is egregious, alarmingly unpredictable, or vastly different from previous and acceptable workplace behaviors.
How does the PFFD process work?
Ultimately, PFFD is used to determine an employee's psychological fitness to perform essential duties of their job. CSEAP serves as coordinator for PFFD as this assessment process involves a complex set of tasks requiring professional level knowledge of human behavior. As the coordinating agency, CSEAP secures an external evaluator upon the approval of the requesting agency. CSEAP then coordinates all involved parties including the requesting agency (Appointing Authority/designee and HR as appropriate), the employee-of-concern, and the external evaluator.
What are the monetary and time costs associated with PFFD?
In order to reduce conflict of interest, an outside evaluator (either a psychologist or a psychiatrist) completes the PFFD assessment(s). The costs (variable and dependent on evaluator time and instruments used) of these assessments are billed to the requesting agency who is solely responsible for these costs. CSEAP nor the employee-of-concern bare the monetary costs associated with the outside evaluator. Based on the complexity of various assessments, the time needed to fulfill recommendations, and communication required for case management, it is difficult to predict the exact amount of time needed to complete a PFFD assessment. In addition, the employee-of-concern is often placed on administrative leave throughout the PFFD process.
For more information, call CSEAP at 1-800-821-8154 to request a consultation with Dave Morrow about the PFFD process.
For more information about the PFFD process, contact Joseph Kuntz at 303-866-4314 or
Explore the PFFD Universal Policy for additional information.
Downloadable and printable infographic about the Psychological Fitness for Duty (PFFD) service.
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